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Bung Karno Penyambung Lidah Rakyat
Posted on | Rabu, 29 April 2009 | No Comments
TJARA jang paling mudah untuk melukiskan tentang diri Sukarno ialah dengan menamakannja seorang jang maha-pentjinta. Ia mentjintai negerinja, ia mentjintai rakjatnja, ia mentjintai wanita, ia mentjintai seni dan melebihi daripada segala-galanya ia tjinta kepada dirinya sendiri.
Sukarno adalah seorang manusia perasaan. Seorang pengagum. Ia menarik napas pandjang apabila menjaksikan pemandangan jang indah. Djiwanja bergetar memandangi matahari terbenam di Indonesia. Ia menangis dikala menjanjikan lagu spirituil orang negro.
Orang mengatakan bahwa Presiden Republik Indonesia terlalu banjak memiliki darah seorang seniman.
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"Akan tetapi aku bersjukur kepada Jang Maha Pentjipta, karena aku dilahirkan dengan perasaan halus dan darah seni. Kalau tidak demikian, bagaimana aku bisa mendjadi Pemimpin Besar Revolusi, sebagairnana 105 djuta rakjat menjebutku ? Kalau tidak demikian, bagairnana aku bisa memimpin bangsaku untuk merebut kembali
kemerdekaan dan hak-azasinja, setelah tiga setengah abad dibawan pendjadjahan Belanda? Kalau tidak demikian bagaimana aku bisa mengobarkan suatu revolusi ditahun 1945 dan mentjiptakan suatu Negara Indonesia jang bersatu, jang terdiri dari pulau Djawa, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Maluku dan bagian lain dari Hindia Belanda ?
READ MORE - Bung Karno Penyambung Lidah Rakyat
Sukarno adalah seorang manusia perasaan. Seorang pengagum. Ia menarik napas pandjang apabila menjaksikan pemandangan jang indah. Djiwanja bergetar memandangi matahari terbenam di Indonesia. Ia menangis dikala menjanjikan lagu spirituil orang negro.
Orang mengatakan bahwa Presiden Republik Indonesia terlalu banjak memiliki darah seorang seniman.
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"Akan tetapi aku bersjukur kepada Jang Maha Pentjipta, karena aku dilahirkan dengan perasaan halus dan darah seni. Kalau tidak demikian, bagaimana aku bisa mendjadi Pemimpin Besar Revolusi, sebagairnana 105 djuta rakjat menjebutku ? Kalau tidak demikian, bagairnana aku bisa memimpin bangsaku untuk merebut kembali
kemerdekaan dan hak-azasinja, setelah tiga setengah abad dibawan pendjadjahan Belanda? Kalau tidak demikian bagaimana aku bisa mengobarkan suatu revolusi ditahun 1945 dan mentjiptakan suatu Negara Indonesia jang bersatu, jang terdiri dari pulau Djawa, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Maluku dan bagian lain dari Hindia Belanda ?

Blog for Dollar$
Posted on | Selasa, 28 April 2009 | No Comments
The internet had witnessed in the past years a new type of cyber communities known as
BLOGS. In a blog everyone is a webmaster who can share jokes, ideas, emotions, advice, and anything that can be translated into words; making them popular sites that are visited about 10000 times a month!!
In this ebook we teach you how you can create your OWN blog, make it as popular as
possible, and at last how to MAKE MONEY.Before you start reading the rest of this ebook we would like you to note that building a successful blog will never be instant. Any blog (or any other website) consumes a lot of time and effort to become popular and successful thus to create revenue. So if you are looking for an instant get rich scheme then this book is not for you!!
In this book we guide you through 10 essential steps to create a successful, interesting and profitable blog that can, at the end, generate money 24/7 even if you are asleep. How is this possible???
Well, you are going to find out in just 10 seconds. We are just asking you to spare us a small fraction of your precious time to read and to fully understand everything included in this book. Read Full Ebook Here
READ MORE - Blog for Dollar$
BLOGS. In a blog everyone is a webmaster who can share jokes, ideas, emotions, advice, and anything that can be translated into words; making them popular sites that are visited about 10000 times a month!!
In this ebook we teach you how you can create your OWN blog, make it as popular as
possible, and at last how to MAKE MONEY.Before you start reading the rest of this ebook we would like you to note that building a successful blog will never be instant. Any blog (or any other website) consumes a lot of time and effort to become popular and successful thus to create revenue. So if you are looking for an instant get rich scheme then this book is not for you!!
In this book we guide you through 10 essential steps to create a successful, interesting and profitable blog that can, at the end, generate money 24/7 even if you are asleep. How is this possible???
Well, you are going to find out in just 10 seconds. We are just asking you to spare us a small fraction of your precious time to read and to fully understand everything included in this book. Read Full Ebook Here

Kamus Istilah Blogger
Dunia blogging memiliki banyak sekali istilah khusus dan unik yang tidak mudah dipahami jika kita belum pernah mengenalnya sebelumnya. E-book ini, seperti judulnya, adalah kompilasi seri artikel kamus istilah blogger yang sempat saya posting pada awal-awal tahun 2008.
Mulanya, seri artikel ini merupakan saduran artikel Daniel Scocco, pemilik sekaligus pengelola Daily Blog Tips. Belakangan, seri artikel ini saya kembangkan dengan menambahkan sejumlah istilah blogging yang belum ada di dalam artikel Daniel Scocco dengan harapan bisa semakin melengkapi perbendaharaan istilah penting dalam dunia
blogging, terutama dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Baca lebih lengkap di Kamus Istilah Blogger
READ MORE - Kamus Istilah Blogger
Mulanya, seri artikel ini merupakan saduran artikel Daniel Scocco, pemilik sekaligus pengelola Daily Blog Tips. Belakangan, seri artikel ini saya kembangkan dengan menambahkan sejumlah istilah blogging yang belum ada di dalam artikel Daniel Scocco dengan harapan bisa semakin melengkapi perbendaharaan istilah penting dalam dunia
blogging, terutama dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Baca lebih lengkap di Kamus Istilah Blogger

15 Pages to Succes in Internet Marketing
Before you start an internet marketing business, there are few things that you need to know. These things are very important to know before you get doing the internet
marketing business. As you may know, very little marketer can continue their internet
business while the others stop to continue.
Even you get the exact methods to make money from the internet, but if you expecting
results from zero effort, it is useless. A lot of people learn the exact same methods but only a few of them can succeed in their online business. Do you know why? Because some of them take action and get results, and the others cannot even bothered to try it out.
download full e-book here
Keep these things in your mind; you are responsible for your own success, not anyone
else! Some people keep blaming things around them and they give up to keep trying.
We can see that the problem is in them. The key to success in Internet Marketing is
hard work and never give up. There is no magic pill to become rich in internet
marketing. While you're gambling with your money, you can get a lot instantly, but you can lose a lot at the same time too. Internet marketing is different. It started with building your branding, people's mind about your product, and your popularity will increase. When you become the true expert on your market, you will never lose your money.
READ MORE - 15 Pages to Succes in Internet Marketing
marketing business. As you may know, very little marketer can continue their internet
business while the others stop to continue.
Even you get the exact methods to make money from the internet, but if you expecting
results from zero effort, it is useless. A lot of people learn the exact same methods but only a few of them can succeed in their online business. Do you know why? Because some of them take action and get results, and the others cannot even bothered to try it out.
download full e-book here
Keep these things in your mind; you are responsible for your own success, not anyone
else! Some people keep blaming things around them and they give up to keep trying.
We can see that the problem is in them. The key to success in Internet Marketing is
hard work and never give up. There is no magic pill to become rich in internet
marketing. While you're gambling with your money, you can get a lot instantly, but you can lose a lot at the same time too. Internet marketing is different. It started with building your branding, people's mind about your product, and your popularity will increase. When you become the true expert on your market, you will never lose your money.

The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Posted on | Senin, 27 April 2009 | No Comments
What is a “quotation”? It is a saying or piece of writing that strikes people as so true or memorable that they quote it (or allude to it) in speech or writing. Often they will quote it directly, introducing it with a phrase like “As——says” but equally often they will assume that the reader or listener already knows the quotation, and they will simply allude to it without mentioning its source (as in the headline “A rosè is a rosè is a rosè,” referring obliquely to a line by Gertrude Stein).
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This dictionary has been compiled from extensive evidence of the quotations that are actually used in this way. The dictionary includes the commonest quotations which were found in a collection of more than 200,000 citations assembled by combing books, magazines, and newspapers. For example, our collections contained more than thirty examples each for Edward Heath’s “unacceptable face of capitalism” and Marshal McLuhan’s “The medium is the message,” so both these quotations had to be included. As a result, this book is not—like many quotations dictionaries—a subjective anthology of the editor’s favourite quotations, but an objective selection of the quotations which are most widely known and used. Popularity and familiarity are the main criteria for inclusion, although no reader is likely to be familiar with all the quotations in this dictionary.
READ MORE - The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
DownloaD Here
This dictionary has been compiled from extensive evidence of the quotations that are actually used in this way. The dictionary includes the commonest quotations which were found in a collection of more than 200,000 citations assembled by combing books, magazines, and newspapers. For example, our collections contained more than thirty examples each for Edward Heath’s “unacceptable face of capitalism” and Marshal McLuhan’s “The medium is the message,” so both these quotations had to be included. As a result, this book is not—like many quotations dictionaries—a subjective anthology of the editor’s favourite quotations, but an objective selection of the quotations which are most widely known and used. Popularity and familiarity are the main criteria for inclusion, although no reader is likely to be familiar with all the quotations in this dictionary.

Detik-Detik Yang Menentukan - Free E-Book
Posted on | Jumat, 24 April 2009 | No Comments

Detik-Detik yang Menentukan - Jalan Panjang Indonesia Menuju Demokrasi
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Dengan kehadiran buku ini, semakin melengkapi khazanah sejarah politik kontemporer Indonesia. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Presiden ke-3 RI, salah seorang pelaku utama sejarah pada masa lahirnya reformasi di Indonesia. Fakta yang dihadirkan dalam buku ini otentik, berdasarkan catatan dan pengalaman pribadi pelaku sejarah yang belum pernah diungkapkan. Selain memberikan fakta-fakta sejarah, penulis pun melakukan analisis apa yang telah terjadi.
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